New paper in Journal of Cognition (Open Access): Considering the Nature of Multimodal Language from a Crosslinguistic Perspective by Asli Özyürek

Prof. Asli Özyürek has published a commentary for the recently published Special Collection "Situating Language in the Real World" in the Journal of Cognition entitled "Considering the Nature of Multimodal Language from a Crosslinguistic Perspective".

Current commentary evaluates the new framework of language that brings arbitrary and non-arbitrary and motivated semiotic resources of language together proposed in the target article by Murgiano et al. (2021) from a crosslinguistic multimodal perspective. In the commentary prof. Asli Özyürek emphasizes considering the multimodal nature of language as fundamental property and highlights that understanding how expressions in the vocal and visual modalities together contribute to the notions of language structure, use, processing, and transmission in different languages and cultures should be a fundamental goal of language sciences.

Curious to learn more? Read the full commentary here.

Other commentaries and reply of authors of the original article can be found here.